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Education is an investment. At All Saints' Episcopal School, the returns are clear: we nurture minds and shape futures, allowing students to discover and develop their God-given talents and gifts and to grow intellectually, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

Our annual tuition is not based on what other independent schools charge, or on the notion of “what the market can bear.” We base our cost on what it takes for All Saints' Episcopal School to deliver on our promise of a top-quality Episcopal education. 

While All Saints K-8 tuition ranges from $9,720 to $10,755 the average cost of educating a student is much higher. Thankfully, our parents/guardians, grandparents, alumni, and other donors continue investing in the future of All Saints to offset the difference through philanthropic efforts such as donating to our Annual Fund, called the Saints' Fund. To learn more about the Tuition Gap and Giving please go here.

Why is our tuition what it is?

Student-to-Teacher Ratio

Fostering supportive and trusting relationships between students and teachers, who are leading and learning together

Average Class Size

Each employing a dynamic, rigorous curriculum centered on age appropriate real world questions

Student Diversity

A diverse student body creates a place of belonging by providing students a space for affirmation, emotional comfort, and community


Family Individualized Tuition

All Saints' Episcopal School is committed to making its education accessible to as many students as possible, regardless of their family's financial circumstances. The Family Individualized Tuition (FIT) program, for grades Kindergarten to 8th, is based on the idea that each family's financial situation is unique and that tuition can be adjusted accordingly. The FIT program takes into account a family's income, assets, debts, and other factors to determine a customized tuition rate. The Family Individualized Tuition (FIT) program allows families to find the “perfect FIT” for affordable navigation of their child’s educational journey. The deadline to apply for re-enrollment and to be considered for FIT is March 15, 2024. 

To apply for the FIT program, families must complete an application and provide documentation of their financial situation, using a third party, FACTs Grant & Aid Assessment, which is integrated into our existing student and family RenWeb/FACTS portal. The school's FIT Committee will then review the data provided by FACTs Grant & Aid and the tuition rate for the family will be determined. Families can reapply for the FIT program each year and must do so to participate in the program each year. FIT is open to students in grades Kindergarten to 8th. 

Steps to Participate in FIT

Begin the re-enrollment process (for returning students) or begin a new application (for new students). You will be asked to participate in FIT or to invest in your student's education at the maximum FIT rate.

Your family's personalized FIT will be determined and communicated within 15 business days. New families are required to submit an admissions application prior to receiving their FIT.

Once you have received your personalized FIT and have signed your enrollment contract for the coming school year, you are all set!

Frequently Asked Questions

All Saints' families using FIT will submit a confidential financial profile to a third-party company to receive an affordability score that places them on a sliding tuition scale. All families will pay some tuition per student. 

In a sense, Yes. Everyone will pay their FIT. If you choose not to submit your family's financial information, then you agree to pay the maximum FIT.

Tuition should never present a barrier for a qualified family from applying to All Saints.  Every All Saints' family has a significant stake in their child’s education. Our FIT program allows some families to have a personalized tuition based on their unique circumstances.

Current and new families can apply for the FIT program beginning Feb 15th, 2024. Funds are limited, so you are encouraged to apply early. Current families need to apply for FIT before the deadline of March 15, 2024. Re-enrolling families may not be considered for FIT after the deadline.

A new application is required annually. Changes in your financial status may affect the tuition scale.

Any family may apply for FIT. Applying for FIT does not affect our admission decision. Prospective families may apply for FIT after they have applied for admission.

FIT does not impact our enrollment goals, but has an effect on attracting new students that embrace our mission and vision. 


Other Ways to Fund an All Saints' Education

In 2018, Legislation for 529 Plans was amended to allow families to withdraw up to $10,000 per child per year to help finance K-12 tuition. If you are considering this option, we recommend you consult with a financial advisor prior to taking advantage of this option.


In 2020, family members and friends can make an annual tax free gift of up to $15,000 to as many individuals as they would like, which can be used to pay tuition. For example, two grandparents can each give one child a gift of $15,000, for a total of $30,000. They may do so for more than one grandchild. We advise families to consult with a financial advisor about developing an annual giving strategy for children and grandchildren before taking advantage of this option and to avoid the requirement these family members pay significant estate tax on that money later.


What does an All Saints Education Cost?

Know the numbers! For all returning families, there is a 5% discount off their final FIT for re-enrolling by April 1st, 2024. All Saints' Tuition is All-Inclusive. There are no external fees like an enrollment fee, a technology fee, facilities fee, athletic participation fees (other than extra attire like t-shirts, shorts, hoodies), or extracurricular activities fees. Our tuition includes textbooks, yearbooks, access to 1:1 technology (grades 2 to 8), and student insurance. 

In addition, we give you greater flexibility in purchasing your school uniforms by finding vendors that are budget-friendly. 

Extended Day Services (For all Grade Levels) - 3:45 pm – 5:30 pm 

  • 3 Days/Week - $150/Month 
  • 5 Days/Week - $250/Month 
  • Drop-In Rate - $15 per day



Payments to All Saints for Tuition and Fees are paid through Facts Parent Portal. We offer four payment plans for paying tuition and the deposit with VC Pay.

  1. One Complete Payment (Includes an additional 5% discount / TRP Optional 2.6% Fee of final billable tuition) - Payment Due July 1, 2024 
  2. 2 Payments (TRP Required 2.6% Fee of final billable tuition) - 1st Payment: Aug 5, 2024 & 2nd Payment: Jan 6, 2025
  3. 10 Monthly Payments (TRP Required 2.6% Fee of final billable tuition) - Aug 2024 to May 2025 
  4. 12 Monthly Payments  (TRP Required 2.6% Fee of final billable tuition) - Must start Payments June 2024


Payments in each plan are calculated after the deposit is paid. There is a $50 annual fee for the monthly payment plan, charged when you set up online payments, by FACTS. The deposit required at the time of enrollment is applied toward tuition due in either tuition plan. Please note that tuition refund insurance (TRP) is required for the two-payment plan and the monthly payment plan. The TRP premium is 2.6% of final billable tuition and is due by August. 

2024-2025 Tuition Schedule PDF with payment options


To get a better understanding of the new tuition refund insurance program please visit this link: 

Tuition Refund Plan

Now you know the numbers, but what you may not know is that the average cost of educating an All Saints student is greater than tuition. Thankfully, our parents/guardians, grandparents, alumni, and other donors continue investing in the All Saints' future to close the gap through philanthropic efforts like donating to our Annual Fund.